My name is Nicole Wedderman, I am a Veteran. I have served in the British Army. My military trade was in the branch of the Adjutant General’s Corps, Staff and Personnel Support. Within this branch, I ensured that military personnel were ready to be deployed at short notice, managing their personal information, finances, and providing general administrative support to get the mission done.
Having developed knowledge and skills in the army, I had the desire to pursue further higher education. I became aware of the increasing number of veterans who found themselves in the criminal justice system. After leaving the army, I went and did a MSc in Criminal Justice at Liverpool John Moores University, with a view of working alongside the criminal justice system and the NHS to support veterans who might be challenged with their mental health. I was employed as a Recovery Worker in another NHS trust in their Adult Crisis Team. 'Stepping into Health' has further driven me to complete a MSc in Psychology at Chester University to develop a more organised approach in understanding the impact of trauma - to support individuals and their families who are experiencing mental challenges.
Currently, I'm based in Newham CAMHS as a People Participation Worker. In my role, I work with children, young people and their families who present with a range of mental health challenges. I engage with young people in meaningful discussions about their lived experience of mental health, NHS support and access, and empowering their voices to design and deliver positive change in our health service. I am enthusiastic to be part of the National Health Service workforce that delivers the best possible mental health support and intervention for all our service users.
I was delighted that on 3 June 2021, the Trust signed the Armed Forces Covenant demonstrating its obligation ensuring that Veterans and their families are given the best care possible and supporting services like Operation Courage. In addition, on 9 May 2023, the Trust's Chief Executive, Paul Calaminus, unveiled our Veteran Aware status at our Headquarters at Alie Street, in Aldgate. It was a proud moment!
I look forward to seeing future recruitment of more veterans within our Trust as they bring unique and transferable skills into the workforce. Similar to NHS, there are diverse skills and trade that soldiers are trained to do in the army. For example, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Logistics Operator, HR Personnel etc. So, in line with the NHS Long Term Plan to tackle health inequalities, veterans have a lot to offer 'Stepping into Health' with.