A message from Cavendish Square Group following disorder across the UK | News

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A message from Cavendish Square Group following disorder across the UK

The suffering of the people of Southport, and others touched by the violence there, is hard to imagine. This will have taken a toll on many people, both those touched by the tragic deaths of the young children, and those staff who helped treat and support the victims and families.  

The violent riots which have followed and are driven by far-right extremism are deplorable. Many of you would have seen or heard of the distressing actions that have been taking place in various towns and cities since the weekend. These harmful and deliberate acts of racism and violence are wholeheartedly condemned by the Cavendish Square Group. The hate and violence carried out by these far-right thugs highlights why our combined continued focus on anti-racism is so important.  

We know, because we have seen it in previous incidents, that these are the times, where we see the worst of some people, that we also see the best of people, particularly NHS staff, and other emergency service colleagues, who represent the values that led to the creation of the NHS in 1948 and have sustained it ever since.  

We know how hard incidents like these can be for those treating victims and supporting families and that for many NHS workers, a large proportion of whom are from other countries, seeing this flare-up of racism will leave them feeling afraid and unwelcome.

As leaders, we need to ensure we are demonstrating in our actions that when we say we have zero tolerance of racism towards our patients or colleagues, we mean it – and ensure that those staff who need it, get the support they need via staff support networks, employee assistance or Freedom to Speak Up.  

As NHS organisations, aligned with the NHS Constitution, we believe in respect and dignity, and that everyone counts regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity. We take pride in being leaders in anti-racism, working hard to enhance our awareness and appreciation of all matters of equality, diversity, and inclusion and we do not - and will not - tolerate racism, discrimination, or abuse at any time. We are dedicated to taking the most appropriate and serious measures if such actions are evident, which may include involving the police.  

Together, we will stand against racism and hate in all its form.

Best wishes

Cavendish Square Group

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