Our Trust member launches Carers Charter for unpaid carers | News

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Our Trust member launches Carers Charter for unpaid carers

During Carers Week 2024, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) launched their first Carers Charter.

This charter was developed with unpaid carers and patients, and outlines their commitment to carers across the Trust and how they will recognise, involve and support them in their caring role.

Download a copy of the CNWL Carers Charter (opens PDF)

The charter has six key principles that CNWL pledges to meet:

  • Recognising and valuing carers
  • Highlighting support in the community
  • Supporting carers’ wellbeing
  • Working together with carers
  • Supporting young carers
  • Doing our best to get it right

These principles aren’t new, but are core processes and behaviours which should be business as usual, especially as CNWL is committed to the Triangle of Care. The charter is a pledge to involve carers and a way for them to hold CNWL to account, encouraging them to speak up when this might not be happening in practice.

An event was held during Carers’ Week at Trust Headquarters to launch the new Charter, with attendance and support from carers, staff and senior leaders including Chief Executive, Claire Murdoch.

Graeme Caul, Chief Operating Officer said:

“The benefits of involving and supporting unpaid carers are significant and as a Trust it’s essential we all get on board with this. Please help us put carers on the map.”

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